
Grow Your Purpose-Driven Business Online

Join our powerful creative program for big-hearted entrepreneurs, dedicated to helping you let go of overwhelm, simplify your workflow, and make an excellent living doing what you love.

If you’re like most big-hearted entrepreneurs I know, you often feel exhausted by this whole online business and marketing stuff.

And with more content being cranked out every single second telling you all of the things that you’re “supposed” to be doing, who can blame you? The greatest struggle entrepreneurs face these days isn’t a lack of information, tools or resources. The greatest struggles you probably face are:

1️⃣ Overcoming overwhelm and knowing where to actually focus.
2️⃣ Lacking support and accountability that help you take aligned action.

Perhaps you find yourself:

📈 struggling with building a consistent client base each month.

🤕 finding some success here and there, but still sacrificing your well-being trying to keep it all going.

⚙️ feeling overwhelmed by all the tech tools and marketing hacks you find online.

😶 learning a million things, writing a gazillion posts, trying to be everywhere… and still not seeing results.

👣 unsure of how to make genuine progress and looking for clarity and direction.

🌼 unable to find your unique take within your niche.

🤢 afraid of coming across as salesy, sleazy, or manipulative.

👀 constantly comparing yourself to others who seem to have it all figured out.

🎨 feeling uninspired — struggling with creative blocks that hinder your progress and ability to enjoy your work.

🫀 procrastinating getting yourself out there, stepping up your game, and sharing your unique gifts with the world.

💸 hitting a wall and struggling to increase your income without burning yourself out.

Keep calm, take a deep breath, and read on. With the right tools, mindset, support, and guidance, you too can grow a thriving business that not only attracts amazing clients consistently, but also helps you show up more fully in your life as a whole.


Hi! I'm João, and I help purpose-driven entrepreneurs grow thriving businesses online with focus, balance, and integrity.

I see so many inspiring people who want to create a better world, but often feel overwhelmed (or even paralyzed!) by the insane amount of tools and information we’re bombarded with these days.

Yearning to be part of meaningful projects, I found a home for my career helping purpose-driven brands thrive. Six years have passed, and I have now assisted dozens of professionals, schools, and organizations from all over the world in growing their impact online.

I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t for big-hearted brands, I’ve tried and tested all the best tools out there, and I’ve crafted a clear, proven, and step-by-step program designed to help you and your business flourish.

My mission is to empower purpose-driven entrepreneurs like you in business and in life. Through the clarity, focus, and aligned action that this program has to offer, I know that you too can serve more of the people you’re meant to serve, make an excellent living doing what you love, and create greater freedom for yourself and others. You got this!

Let’s get rid of all the internet clutter. Think about it: what is truly essential when it comes to growing a successful business online?

Forget the hashtags, your follower count, or the constant lookout for the next trend. At a fundamental level, what are the most essential things that, if you truly focus on them, will guarantee the healthy and sustainable growth of your business?

You design an irresistible offer that attracts amazing clients.

The kind of offer that provides a meaningful transformation your ideal clients want, need, and are willing to invest in. Map it out, package it with care, and present it in ways that build trust, establish authority, and drive sales. Learn how to scope your offer strategically, so that you deliver immense value without feeling overwhelmed.

You simplify and streamline your systems and your technology.

By keeping things simple and investing in the right tools and support, you stop wasting ridiculous amounts of time trying to figure out all the shiny tools available out there. You free up your time, energy and sanity so that you can show up more fully for the work, people, and things that really matter in your life.

You establish yourself as an expert that your audience can trust.

And you do this by ditching the influencer approach. Instead, you take the meaningful transformation that you help people achieve, and you implement a content strategy that helps you elevate your level of authority and attract real, amazing clients, not just followers and empty numbers.
After teaching yoga classes for 10 years, my dream was to create my own online course. The Websoul Program literally walked me through every area, from clarifying my ideas and building my audience, to actually building and launching my platform and program.

Even better, it was all on one platform and its automated! No separate email, web, sales pages or payments, so the business runs itself, and now I just focus on the live stuff and content creation which is what I really want to do.

Thank you so much João, my business and mental wellness are grateful for this awesome journey.

Jane Dominey from the UK
Founder of FemFlow

Backed by decades of world-class transdisciplinary research.

Duis eget augue fringilla, sagittis libero sit amet, suscipit nisl. Sed id orci sollicitudin, placerat turpis molestie, bibendum risus. Vestibulum rhoncus arcu vitae nunc laoreet consequat. Nullam justo urna, elementum fermentum tincidunt in, dapibus tempus leo.

Employs a top-tier methodology to teach accurate and safe protocols.

Duis eget augue fringilla, sagittis libero sit amet, suscipit nisl. Sed id orci sollicitudin, placerat turpis molestie, bibendum risus. Vestibulum rhoncus arcu vitae nunc laoreet consequat. Nullam justo urna, elementum fermentum tincidunt in, dapibus tempus leo.

Empowers practitioners to apply learnings and grow professionally.

Duis eget augue fringilla, sagittis libero sit amet, suscipit nisl. Sed id orci sollicitudin, placerat turpis molestie, bibendum risus. Vestibulum rhoncus arcu vitae nunc laoreet consequat. Nullam justo urna, elementum fermentum tincidunt in, dapibus tempus leo.

Now more than ever, the world is longing for more purpose-driven businesses to step up and lead it towards a better future. The program you’re about to see was designed to help you do just that: to uncover your greatest gifts, connect with those you're meant to serve, and make an excellent living doing what you love.



Thirteen weeks of wholehearted guidance, absolute clarity, and aligned action, expertly designed to help you grow a thriving business online with focus, balance, and integrity.

Irresistible Offer Design

Our program dives into the art of crafting irresistible offers that feel like a direct heart-to-heart with your audience. Together, we'll uncover those special ingredients that turn your offers into genuine connections, shining a spotlight on your business in a way that truly resonates with your customers.

High-Converting Sales Funnel

Think of your sales funnel as a journey – a narrative that weaves curiosity into commitment. Our program is all about nurturing a higher awareness of your customers' journey. With proven strategies, powerful tools, and personalized insights, we empower you to optimize each stage, transforming curious visitors into loyal patrons and maximizing your revenue potential.

Magnetic Content Strategy

In the world of pixels and personalities, your content is the soul of your brand. Our program unfolds the art of crafting a magnetic content strategy – one that attracts your ideal audience. From storytelling that tugs at heartstrings to strategic content distribution, we're here to help you build a great connection that turns strangers into happy clients.

Tech Systems Made Simple

Say farewell to tech headaches and embrace simplicity and flow. Our program takes the mystery out of technology, making it a friendly companion on your business journey. We'll set up and optimize your tech systems and take care of them, ensuring that the gears of your operation run smoothly. No more tech-induced stress — just a straightforward path to focusing on what you love most.

Beautiful Brand Assets

Your brand is the first thing people feel when they come across your work. It deserves to be a captivating symphony that resonates with your audience. Our program places a spotlight on solidifying your brand both visually and strategically. Let's elevate your brand's aesthetic appeal, creating a visual language that whispers trust and credibility.

7 Powerful Creative Sessions

Step into a space where creativity takes center stage. Our program invites you to partake in powerful 1-on-1 creative sessions — a sanctuary for brainstorming, ideation, and refining your business journey. Together, we'll uncover the depths of your creative vision, ensuring every step we take radiates authenticity and nurtures not only a better business but also a better life.
Working with João was one of the best investments I made for my business.

I now have a slick and smooth working platform to operate my business and spread my work with much more ease than before.

João possesses intricate knowledge of all the backstage tech workings and creates systems and strategies that are streamlined and easy to use. His attention to details meant that every minute piece of my online business was taken care of from start to finish.

I couldn’t have felt in better hands. It also feels good to be supporting personal businesses rather than invest in the larger impersonal corporations.

I highly recommend working with João.

Kate Joyner from the UK
Founder of the Dancing Serpent Mystery School


Imagine waking up one day in the near future and this is what your business looks like:

The ultimate result? A harmonious blend of strategic success and authentic expression, where your business becomes a symbol for real connections, epic growth, and a story that's full of life.
🌱 You have launched an offer that is so well planned, packaged and presented, it is bound to attract high-quality clients consistently. Plus you can always replicate the process for your future offers and programs, no matter how big or small!
💻 Tech overwhelm feels like a thing of the past. Instead, you’ve made technology work for you. You now have a simple systems in place that help you build relationships consistently, based on value and trust, so that amazing clients come to you. All systems are taken care of for you, so that you only use ONE simple, beautiful and easy-to-use platform to manage it all.
🗓 You have streamlined your marketing to just a few hours per week. Hours you don’t actually dread because you now have a simple process that helps you plan, produce, and share quality content consistently and with ease.
📩 No more chasing clients. Your content and your funnel are full of intention: they elevate your level of authority, establish you as an expert in your niche, and build trust with the right people so they reach out to you first!
🫀 You never feel icky, sleazy, nor salesy. You have full confidence that you’re building a real relationship with your audience based on trust, value, and transparency.
☀️ But best of all — and I can’t emphasize this enough — you feel a profound sense focus, clarity, and trust when it comes to your business. You now have more time and energy to enjoy your work, as well as to show up more fully in every dimension of your life.
João helped me grow my online presence and I cannot thank him enough for not only helping me create beautiful end products but for doing it so fast, on point and it ending up exactly as I wanted it to be.

I did not even know what was possible with all the tools out there and Joao helped me create systems that help me manage my business in such an easy and effective way.

For sure it has saved me time, money and most of all: emotional stress and frustration trying to figure it out on my own!

I highly recommend to work with Joao – not just for his skills but also because he is supportive, creative and fun to work with.

Filippa Levemark from Sweden
Artist & Transformational Coach


Here's a step-by-step plan for our thoughtfully-crafted, one-of-a-kind creative journey:

We've designed Websoul from start to finish to not only help your business grow, but also to offer you maximum value while significantly minimizing the risk of your investment.

Book Your Strategy Session

Our free, no-strings-attached strategy session will help us determine if we're the right fit for each other. The best part? We don't believe in holding back value. This session will provide you with an honest assessment of your business and online presence, along with powerful guidelines to support your growth.

Invest In Your Business Growth

Unlock a powerful collaborative partnership with us. Choose from our flexible payment plans, each thoughtfully designed to match your unique needs and pace, and watch as your investment translates into tangible growth.

Your success story begins with a simple choice — a commitment to invest in the growth and prosperity of your life and business. Let's navigate the path to meaningful success together.

Embark on the Creative Journey

Watch as the vision you have for your business and life transforms into a tangible, authentic, and beautiful project that consistently attracts the people you feel called to help.

Your offers go beyond transactions; they forge genuine connections. Your sales funnel unfolds like a captivating story, drawing committed steps from your audience. Your content resonates, not just in clicks but in heartfelt conversations. Your tech systems are streamlined, liberating your time for what truly matters. Your brand radiates trust and credibility, creating a unique experience that stands out from the rest.

Keep Going

You will be graduating your Websoul journey with a wealth of powerful strategies, tools, and resources that will continue helping you connect with your audience, simplify your workflow, and grow your business in healthy and sustainable ways.

Take a moment to celebrate the incredible progress you've made — and then keep going.

Feel called to embark on more powerful creative collaborations? Our team of hardworking, fun-loving professionals is always just one email away.

The Value-Packed Bonuses That Will Pave Your Path to Continued Success

Dive into our treasure trove of bonus resources, crafted with a sprinkle of magic to keep your business flourishing daily — no overwhelm in sight, even after our creative journey concludes! From templates that facilitate content creation to ongoing support that helps you keep tech headaches at bay, we've crafted these bonuses with your seamless business growth in mind.

The Effortless Content Brainstorm Workbook

Say goodbye to content block struggles as this resource becomes your trusted ally in unlocking a flood of brilliant ideas. From sparking innovative concepts to crafting engaging narratives, this workbook is the secret sauce for consistently producing captivating content that resonates with your audience.

200+ Magnetic Post Titles

Bid farewell to the days of staring at a blank screen, wondering why your expert content doesn't  seem to get any attention. These titles are designed to captivate, inspire, and effortlessly draw your audience into the heart of your content. Say hello to scroll-stopping headlines that make your brand impossible to ignore.

Captions Hooks Made Easy

Elevate your social media game with Captions Hooks Made Easy, your guide to crafting captivating captions effortlessly. This is your ticket to turning every post into a genuine connection with your audience. Say goodbye to overthinking and hello to heartfelt captions that resonate, fostering a community that genuinely cares about your journey.

6-Months of Hosting and Maintenance for Your Digital Platform

We know your online home is special, so we're taking care of it with 6-Months of Hosting and Maintenance for Your Powerful Platform. Consider this our way of saying, "Focus on your passion, and leave the tech worries to us." Your platform deserves the best, and with this support, it's not just a website — it's a powerful, easy-to-manage platform, ready to grow alongside your dreams.

Join Websoul

Thirteen weeks of wholehearted guidance, absolute clarity, and aligned action, expertly designed to help you grow a thriving business online with focus, balance, and integrity.

Pay In Full —5000€

Your decision to invest in full upfront is a powerful commitment to the growth and success of your business. The best part? You save a whopping 20%. This upfront investment ensures you have unrestricted access to the entire spectrum of benefits and bonuses that will accompany you on this profound adventure. Your dedication speaks volumes, and I can't wait to witness the incredible heights your business will reach.

Pay As You Grow — 3 x 2000€

For those who prefer a flexible approach, spread your investment across three manageable installments of 2000€ each, allowing you to embark on this transformative journey without a full upfront commitment. This option not only provides financial flexibility but ensures that your investment aligns seamlessly with the progress of your business. Embrace the journey, step by step, with payments that mirror your growth. Your success story starts here, at a pace that suits you best.

Who is this program for?

This program is a warm embrace for the visionary souls, those who envision their businesses as not just ventures, but profound journeys of impact and connection. If you're someone who craves the sweet spot where creativity meets strategy, and success isn't measured merely in transactions but in genuine relationships, then you've found your sanctuary.

This program is NOT for you if:

🪄 You're looking for a magic solution for overnight success and are not available to invest the time and energy required for meaningful results.

👍🏻 You're already 100% satisfied with the way your business is growing. You feel like your overall online presence is already attracting the best customers you can get in ways that feel empowering and aligned.

⏳ You're resistant to embracing change and exploring innovative tools, techniques, and strategies that could take your business to new heights.

💸 You're solely driven by profit and not concerned about the impact of your business on the broader community or environment.

💔 You're not interested in establishing meaningful connections with your customers nor delivering exceptional value to your audience.

🙅🏻‍♀️ You prefer to work in isolation and figure things out by yourself. You are not open to collaborative opportunities at the moment nor are you looking to invest in your business.

This program is for you if:

❤️ You want to build a purpose-driven business and yearn for it to be a force for positive change. Building authentic relationships is a priority, and you believe that business success is not just about numbers but about the people behind them.

🌱 You aspire to not just succeed in business but to show up more fully in your life. You're committed to nurturing a life where personal well-being and professional growth coexist harmoniously.

⚖️ You seek a harmonious blend of creativity and strategy. You're ready to infuse authenticity into every facet of your business while ensuring that each step aligns with a well-defined strategic roadmap.

💸 You understand that continuous learning and strategic investments are key drivers of growth, and you're ready to make thoughtful investments in your business journey.

⏳ You understand that sustainable success requires patience, dedication, and a focus on continuous improvement, and you're ready for a journey, not just a sprint.

👏🏻 You find energy and inspiration in collaborative efforts, believing that aligned partnerships propel you towards success more efficiently than going it alone.

More Testimonials from Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs

Check out what other big-hearted entrepreneurs are saying about working with João and journeying through the Websoul Program.
Joao helped me create my online platform for my institute smoothly, guiding me thought every step of the process.

He started by listening to my project, goals, and approach, adapted to my needs, and offered me strategies and tools to continue growing my online presence, going always a couple of steps ahead.

He guided me through all aspects of my new platform, helping me navigate new areas with which I was not familiar, and helping me and my collaborators to be more autonomous and able to use new tools to continue building and adding new content to the website.

Joao’s experience and personal involvement with the wellness sector made his ideas and proposals very adapted to my project and audience.

He's a very professional and skillful person and has helped me find better ways to reach my audience.

Iker Puente from Spain
Founder of the Integrative Transpersonal Institute

What a great pleasure working with Joao! He helped me launch my website and my marketing plan with such professionalism and patience...

I'm not a fan or expert on new technologies and marketing methods, but Joao helped me step by step and made me dive into this world with ease and great interest.

I'm glad I could learn about tools that definitely helped my business grow. I felt understood and well driven with compassion.

Joao is a lovely person with a fantastic sense of humour. He always dragged me to my best personal and business potential even when I felt doubtful and lost. Investing in working with him was truly an efficient step for me towards finding loyal clients. I can now be much more autonomous on managing my business. What a great learning experience!

Thanks Joao, I hope loads of people will benefit from your incredible services.

Élise Lagrenaudie from France
Inner Child Therapist

Joao is a very competent strategist with a 360 degree view on how various aspects of online business, branding, and marketing are developed.

He has a personal wellbeing trajectory which ignites every idea he transforms with professional expertise.

He is reliable, honest, and he can save you a lot of time (and money) by showing you a powerful approach which you can personalise to the needs of your project.

At the Institute of Applied Somatics we wanted to take our educational programs online and Joao was able to guide us through the process while taking into consideration our specific needs. We felt our feedback was valuable and always taken into account.

Joao worked passionately and was always smiling. I can not recommend his services enough. You are going to be grateful you met him as I am sure he can extend to you the same quality of support and advice he offered to us.

Andrea Traldi from Italy
Institute of Applied Somatics

The online world for me is a jungle where I don’t want to spend too much time figuring it all out. I’d rather focus on the coaching and therapy work that I offer.

João has been a very valuable companion to make the digital jungle less “wild” and set up all the tools that I need to start growing my business. He has helped me to understand how to grow a successful online business.

João has a clear view and created a structured and accessible framework. I have enjoyed the coaching sessions with him, where we brainstormed together to create original content.

Basically, all the tools are there now to create a sustainable, growing, successful online business.

I see this work as the work that helped prepare the fruitful business soil for me, as “the gardener”, to continue sowing the seeds and help them to blossom. If you feel somewhat lost in the digital world like me and need someone to help you with the base on which you can build your magic, working with João is a great choice!

Rick Jansen from The Netherlands
Founder of Nature, Soul & Purpose

Joao is a very professional coach, he helped me a lot when I was overwhelmed at the beginning of my business.

I needed an offer, website and a logo and he helped me create them while listening to my suggestions and offering insights about how to structure better ideas.

The fact that he has experience in the wellness sector helped me a lot to figure out how to create the best impression for my audience.

Furthermore he taught me how to manage things and to be very independent whenever I want to add or change something on my website.

My new offer and website helped me to find new clients even in a difficult time as it has been this COVID year and also allowed me to sell my new book!

Joao is a great guy and for sure our work helped me to save time, money and energy. I really recommend working with him!

Roberta Colletti from Italy
Expert in Holistic Nutrition and Naturopathy

I came to Joao because I was looking for a solution to promote my services as a massage therapist.

In my case I needed some guidance, context and knowledge regarding the immense options of available tools and strategies out there. There are so many, that it can be overwhelming and frustrating on which one to choose and how to operate them efficiently if you have no experience in any of these.

With simple ideas and easy to use tools that anyone can handle, Joao taught me how to promote myself better and spread my message out there in the vast digital world.

In the end what matters to me the most is to be able to provide great massage therapy. It’s a big win to be able to spread my message in easier ways and still have more time to focus on my practice!

Thanks Joao, for supporting me and believing in my practice!

Marcos Tawil from Mexico
Massage Therapist


Let's integrate purpose and alignment with healthy business growth and financial abundance.

João here. When I started this program, it wasn't all about strategies and growth charts. It was about creating a space where your business becomes a reflection of your deepest aspirations — a living, breathing entity that echoes authenticity and purpose.

If you're tired of the conventional, if you believe that success is more than just a destination but a journey, then you're in the right place.

I get it — running a business is a rollercoaster. But here we embrace the twists and turns. We innovate, collaborate, and celebrate each step forward. This isn't just a program; it's a commitment to your growth, to building something meaningful and enduring.

And guess what? When you work in alignment with your purpose while adopting effective strategies, your business is inevitably bound for healthy growth in revenue too. That is why every Websoul graduate has multiplied their initial investment.

So, are you ready to redefine success on your terms? To embrace a journey where creativity meets strategy? If the answer is a resounding yes, then welcome aboard.

Let's make magic happen together.

Join Websoul

Thirteen weeks of wholehearted guidance, absolute clarity, and aligned action, expertly designed to help you grow a thriving business online with focus, balance, and integrity.

Pay In Full —5000€

Your decision to invest in full upfront is a powerful commitment to the growth and success of your business. The best part? You save a whopping 20%. This upfront investment ensures you have unrestricted access to the entire spectrum of benefits and bonuses that will accompany you on this profound adventure. Your dedication speaks volumes, and I can't wait to witness the incredible heights your business will reach.

Pay As You Grow — 3 x 2000€

For those who prefer a flexible approach, spread your investment across three manageable installments of 2000€ each, allowing you to embark on this transformative journey without a full upfront commitment. This option not only provides financial flexibility but ensures that your investment aligns seamlessly with the progress of your business. Embrace the journey, step by step, with payments that mirror your growth. Your success story starts here, at a pace that suits you best.

Enroll In Websoul

Complete the application form below. We'll reach out to you soon to schedule a strategy call — a chance for us to talk about your goals and see if we're a perfect match. Looking forward to connecting!